Sunday, December 7, 2008

hehe lazy post band concert finished like last wk? i haven't even post hw i finally came bck fr band camp! let me tell u it's so sienzz it's th sienzest eva in tis whole month! ok first day..assemble damm early...i tink 8am or 9am isit? 4gt th parade apparrantly...i tuo tuo tuo my dad fetch me to sch i'm 5min late! zz bt lucky i'm nt th latest, still gt jia min!! yeah~ bt den i missed attendance takin..i tink i was considered absent? after tht i line up at my row whr i was suppose to...hear instructions den proceed to our dorms..our dorms r actually sec 1s classrooms! wa so lucky my dorm is 1/11 classroom, own classrm lorx so called "nostalgic" den put things i tink went to band rm prac?? hahax prac until den i dunno wad i tink go eat? after tht play games..first we had captain ball..i tink is th most fun of all? my game grp is wif benedict, clarkson, yanting, yuwei, yiquan, chong ee..did i miss any1 out? coz i stml...short term memory lost =) ok larx we did a gd job? especially yanting n yuwei hahax c dem so active. ben n clarkson more pro...clarkson just nid to thunder den cn go to th other end of th court give ben, den..score? lolx bt den weather damm hot every1 perspiring, lining up for th water cooler for each time out. den i tink we went to eat lunch? den go band prac..after tht suppose to hav bonding games bt den rain? hahax den vry fun we play hide n seek in sch! we r nt allowed to hide in th toilets bt den a few gals includin me go hide 2nd lvl tht gal toilet outside those cupboards thr...vry dark we w8 for half an hour bt den th game community members didnt find us so we go bck assemble. th rest of th time we r actually tinking of cheerx? bt actually most of us r chatting n playin games while th alumni r having prac. den dinner? after tht o yea we hav night walk! bt it's actually so called getting bitten by mosquitoes while perspiring ourselves =.= th game community members so nice go do those riddles n clues on th paper n they r so nice! muz hav spent quite an effort on it! we r suppose to find those is like treasure hunting? bt those things r quite..Zzz 4get it. gt wad sorts of thing like 1st trumpet sch song score? mini umbrella? SALT cream cone? buttons..lollipop? still nid wad flavour i 4gt..some ppl dig those things fr th soil...den our grp run here n thr so tired. ok larx vry th end my grp n another grp lost coz we found th least items >.< den gt punishment de lehz...nid to eat those yucky disgusting 'food' made by th community. is so disgustin lo..tot of eating dem makes me wanna cry liaox. they go add all sorts of thing...etc bread put in hot water..or even noodles, as in maggie mee dry food noodles..wif alot of chilli? curry sauce? ketchup? everything anyhow th end coz scared we all stomachache SO...they let th leader eat onli..heng for us larx bt den ku ni le! T.T after tis we all go bathe, brush teeth den lights off. some sec3s havin guard slp time~ shyt la th floor so hard..slp until bck pain...cant fall aslp as th end roll here roll thr fall aslp liaox..

ok end of first lengthy rite? i'll make it shorter..wake up brush teeth den go assemble at th parade sq...wth? MORNING EXERCISE..grr...den nid run 5 rounds i tink..around th sch...T.T bt den i halfway nt feeling well so slack n rest. seriously unwell hor...2nd day didn't play much hav lar some matches of netball xP so fun. den is like morning exercise den hav breakfast den band prac agn...either combine or all prac! sienz rite? den after tht afternoon we preparing wad to do for ROD, retirement of duties for th sec 4s...i tot durin band investiture sec 4 retire liaox bt den they sae wad tis is another formal kind bt den i tot investiture more formal still nid to wear band uni? clarinet seniors vry nice already plan all th things 4 us liaox! hurray~ in fact they did those handscraft DIY photo albums..vry nice! n den we suppose to draw things onli..i drew a clarinet..vry nice ^^ clarinerds oso prepared a slide show to show gratitude n stuffs..apprantly we book to th auditorium for tis ROD. ok it's so called a little bit boring..1 thing th most funny is apple tht performance..poor chong ee nid to or gay or wadever? LOLx dun wan elaborate. lmao~ actually th horns n sexaphones tht performance while practising oso quite nice i watch dem rehearse it seems so fun! trumpet gt th best award coz i tink they made th best effort to sing. even though they failed alot times they still nv giv up n continue trying! gd job~ after tht gt prize presentation to alumni..ok over le? we hav buffet sushi! noodles, fishball, chicken wing, drinks..tea, coffee, soft drink? vry nice..after tht so funny we carry th instruments all th way to parade sq...after all, th band rm needs to be locked at nite n we cant go in coz after 7.30pm th alarm will be activated? in th end we decided to move into th canteen..we move th banches, n den arrange den we hav combine at 7 plus to 10pm?? so late lehz..canteen damm noisy..especially those brass insturments, one ppl play cn echo so loud until canteen vry noisy. alumni happily sitting at th bck thr playin fact they oso brought mahjong i tink...hahax prac prac..until edeline vry sleepy..wan to doze off on my shoulders liaox! bt den after conductor mr tan nag nag she awake le! haahax ok after band prac we hav free time we played netball agn..onli some of us..coz is jiaqian's volleyball. den bathe, brush teeth..den slp agn. tis time vry tired 12am like tht i cn slp le..Zzz some sec3s having guard duties agn.

ok morning exercise? den breakfast den band prac..sectionals...i was like dozin off over thr coz i'm extremely tired! th seniors n friends so nice let me slp ^^ bt den victoria kip jump up n dwn all of a sudden den kip shake th table, bang on th table n stuffs...kip scaring me...while i was slping giv me so many shocks...feel vry irritated coz i'm reali unwell. lucky edeline thr help me control victoria. yea n after tht gt band drills...donna saw me unwell like tht kip ask me if i'm ok anot. thankx bt den i'm ok =.= i wan continue do drills. it's always normal for my face to b'com red durin physical activities stuffs wad >.< den she tot i goin to break down soon, den force me to fall out. melvin oso vry nice kip ask me whr i pain or unwell. i gt a slide headache n stomachache i tink fr th roti pratta i ate th day b4 for breakfast? den he kip ask i sae i nt enuf slp lorx, anws is true. den i go canteen buy soft drinks he accompany me? ..maybe scared i will faint or sth. i just gt an early lunch? coz i went up 2nd lvl they r just dismissed. after lunch went bck to band prac n prac..until we go packup. hav some netball shootin den we're dismiss!!! hurray~ majors tok sth cannot hear 2 far away lolx. den other ppl clap we follow. hahax. thx sayhua n her dad fetch me n jiamin to MRT station coz it's nid carry a big bag. when i when up th station, th MRT just left so i w8 w8 until sylvia, patrick they all come. didn't went into th same truck wif dem. after tht took LRT go home, passed cheryl's sis th band concert tickets. Home Sweet Home~ gt a cravin of potato chips so i went shop & save buy. after tht feel like eating instant noodles. coz in sch everyday...EVERYDAY! eat western food wif rice until wan vomit liaox..thx 4 reading tis long post. i lazy post abt band concert giv me tym rest first coz after typin tis long i'm tired oso! go watch xiao niang re le, eugene help me cr8 acc de. thx alot! coz i missed alot episodes durin band camp, xin hua duo duo kai 2 oso nv watch =.= tht's all 4 nw cyax

she told the story ... 3:26 AM

That's me
Name: Seet Ming Hui
Favourite Colour: Lavender
Birthday: 24 July 1995
Horoscope: Leo
Zodiac: Piggy
Primary School: BPPS
Class History: 1G,2F,3J,4I,5J,6J
CCA: Netball
Secondary School: NHHS
Class History: 1/11, 2/11
CCA: Symphonic Band

My authentic japanese name is 山下 Yamashita (under the mountain) 三千代 Michiyo (three thousand generations).


My authentic japanese name is 猿渡 Saruwatari (monkey on a crossing bridge) 美晴 Miharu (beautiful clear sky).
Take your real japanese name generator! today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

Character Roadshow

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character of the week: Hayate
Personality: Cold-hearted, pervert, loyal, faithful

-*Cardcaptor Sakura*
-*Gakuen Alice*
-*Ginban Kaleidoscope*
-*Himitsu Between Me and Her*
-*Kamichama Karin*
-*Kin'iro No Corda*
-*Kiss x Sis*
-*Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha/ A's/ Strikers*
-*Memaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pichi/ Pure*
-*Pita Ten*
-*Princess Tutu*
-*Puchi Puri Yuushi*
-*Shakugan No Shana/ Shakugan no Shana II*
-*Shugo Chara/ Doki*
-*Special A*
-*Tokyo Mew Mew*
-*Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles*
-*Vampire Knight*
-*Zero No Tsukaima/ Futatsuki No Kishi/ Princess No Rondo*

~ i want a balloon.
-taller!!! argh...
-scoring As for all subs xP
-a leadership position in school
-remain top 3 in class
-top 5 in level
-swift fingers for piano
-more air for clarinet
-hav enuf stamina for drills =.=
-more frienz ^^
-more anime choices, adventure/fantasy/magic
-cn slp at nitex
-remove braces zZ
-30 pull ups for NAPFA
-200cm for standing broad jump
-new phone




MySpace Playlist at

Bao Rong
Chu Kien
Eu Wen
Jia Yun
Jie Hui
Jing Rou
Qi San
See Min
Tan Ji
Wan Ying
Wei Lin
Yan Ching
Yang Yi
Class blog
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Annabel
Jing Yu
Jun Hao
Kit Yarn
Ming Jun
Xin Huei
Xuan Lin
Yen Shen
Yi Ting
York Sun
Yu Jun
Class blog
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edeline
Hui Shi
See Hwee
Si Qi
Yi Ting
Band blog

Image-Creator & Designer:

Brushes: 1| 2| 3
BaseCodes by !takeaway

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November 2008
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