Sunday, April 26, 2009

tis is just a ramdom pic. btw nw doing qing gong yan. just finished hong xin da jiang! DAMM FUNNY...oleh ou xuan n rui en got in 10 da. bt ou xuan was scared to half death? coz she's th last to be called. btw im left wif a pile of hw..haixx let's tok abt wad i havent tok abt

2.4km run..muahaha. i got A wif wif er ge for a packet of m&m n a bubble tea. he run faster den me..quite unbelievable..last yr he failed? of coz la he got train de lor. he got a high chance of getting gold. i run run stomach above thr vry pain so affect my running. at first i was running last among J impossible. den unitl a point of time. i gt a sudden boost of energy..i was telling myself "HOP, STEP, JUMP!" hehe~~ in th end i hop pass yu, step pass xin, n den jump pass er ge~ on par wif val..say hello to her =) when met er ge i hav to tell him jys!! coz he cant be slower den me. or le lor. bt den towards th end i pomp zeck liaox. val n xin overtook me. especially xin. is like last 200m or so? when reach th end head vry dizzy. er ge even worse..fainted? ke lianx..jing yu SJAB our hero lol go tell him "breathe in...breathe out" i was like telling yu they all is so easy bt den i 4gt hu say nid some technique to breathe oso =.= den yu say maybe jingyu cn run fast coz he noes th correct way of breathing? LOL.

b4 tht we hav bio, wif xin do those experiments. got a violet solution, sth like lavender xP nice~ recess i drank orange juice..manage to buy a la yu. LOL assembly i wan to slp de!! bt den stupid ** walking around catching Zzz ppl. our class go in gals nid chek attire. heng val gt hlp me tie skirts nt short, my sock's nt low, my shirt is tucked in, my fridge at th side? LOL c im so perfect? shld follow my etc. tyty LOL jkjk.

music isit? i rmb miss yeo she so..she show us a funny video. when th bell ring, she stop th video. robin was like sayin..."so sad~~" den miss yeo reply, "yea it is reali vry sad" den robin ask "how come u nv come to our class find us?" she reply "today i walk up n down so many times liao vry tired" many of us r bursting into laughter. WOULD SHE EVEN TAKE TH STAIRS?? lolx she take elevator still wan complain. walk a few more times shld exercise ma! lazy pig~ LOL erhem*

duno i forgot one of th recess. coz no seats we in a rush so sit in th middle row de. we r sitting near a grp of gals. den suddenly 2 guys come n sit beside me n xin, coz me n xin sitting opposite each other. er den fr wad i heard fr th J impossible. th guy sitting beside me was pointing to me n say "she's my girlfriend". den wad "my girlfriend's shorter den me" i still blur blur dunno wat's happening coz th grp of gals kip looking at me. i was like ??? shyt la. i dun even noe tht guy. shyt him. fei qing fei gu. wan me to be th grp of gals' enemy isit? i dun even hav th qualities. wan choose shld choose shi yu xin ma! SHYT HIM.

after speech day me xin n val go eat mac. hehe got mac value lunch. val so gd hav dad fetch. xin n me take mrt? duh..we r tokin abt religions. lol. shall nt elaborate. dun wan be racist. i reach home le...slept for 4hours. at nite watch ping pang yuan so nice!! tmr last 2nd epi liao. cool~ in th end nv do hw? hmm i manage to compose so called th opening for our music project i anyhow play de. dunno if it works? kinda lame nia bt nvm.

for band..o yea. sectionals tht day. ah huang drag us for 40min?? for his extra lesson. i havent do his du hou gan btw. lol. i late for band. WAD DE? onli shi en went =.= as a senior. teach 4 juniors + wey yeh experienced de. hehe nid depend on me of teach th juniors. EDELINE AR..go watch movies..bon. jie yee?? WAD FAMILY MATTERS UR HEAD! when we walk home saw her wif her friends?? tht sumo...haix no nid say. her existence dun matter. lol. i vry mean to th juniors kip ask dem play play play. c i so nice train dem already noe how play chromatic scale fr C to high C liao! clap clap. wey yeh down thr slacking. still wan borrow fone play games. i said "NO!" after band waited for er ge to be released. meanwhile was playing pet society in sch. connection vry fast leh! juniors down thr lookin at me. while i chat wif huang lao shi hu;s in staffroom. coz 3 of my juniors fr 108, ah huang class. we all toking him bad words..vanesse n yi xiang O.o saw yi xiang fr 108 oso. lol shi en kip gossiping abt dem. walk home wif shi en n er ge. er ge had a vry vry bad experience in infocom. his damm angry..shall nt tok abt it. haix i tink i dun type liao.

I HAVE FALLEN IN LOVE WIF TATA YOUNG. she's th third cascada. second is rihana. i wan put her songs de. bt imeem sth wrong la. nid break down my rhythm corner..abt changing blogskin...p.s yu: NO TIME! lol tht ends by speech bb

she told the story ... 7:29 AM

That's me
Name: Seet Ming Hui
Favourite Colour: Lavender
Birthday: 24 July 1995
Horoscope: Leo
Zodiac: Piggy
Primary School: BPPS
Class History: 1G,2F,3J,4I,5J,6J
CCA: Netball
Secondary School: NHHS
Class History: 1/11, 2/11
CCA: Symphonic Band

My authentic japanese name is 山下 Yamashita (under the mountain) 三千代 Michiyo (three thousand generations).


My authentic japanese name is 猿渡 Saruwatari (monkey on a crossing bridge) 美晴 Miharu (beautiful clear sky).
Take your real japanese name generator! today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

Character Roadshow

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character of the week: Hayate
Personality: Cold-hearted, pervert, loyal, faithful

-*Cardcaptor Sakura*
-*Gakuen Alice*
-*Ginban Kaleidoscope*
-*Himitsu Between Me and Her*
-*Kamichama Karin*
-*Kin'iro No Corda*
-*Kiss x Sis*
-*Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha/ A's/ Strikers*
-*Memaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pichi/ Pure*
-*Pita Ten*
-*Princess Tutu*
-*Puchi Puri Yuushi*
-*Shakugan No Shana/ Shakugan no Shana II*
-*Shugo Chara/ Doki*
-*Special A*
-*Tokyo Mew Mew*
-*Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles*
-*Vampire Knight*
-*Zero No Tsukaima/ Futatsuki No Kishi/ Princess No Rondo*

~ i want a balloon.
-taller!!! argh...
-scoring As for all subs xP
-a leadership position in school
-remain top 3 in class
-top 5 in level
-swift fingers for piano
-more air for clarinet
-hav enuf stamina for drills =.=
-more frienz ^^
-more anime choices, adventure/fantasy/magic
-cn slp at nitex
-remove braces zZ
-30 pull ups for NAPFA
-200cm for standing broad jump
-new phone




MySpace Playlist at

Bao Rong
Chu Kien
Eu Wen
Jia Yun
Jie Hui
Jing Rou
Qi San
See Min
Tan Ji
Wan Ying
Wei Lin
Yan Ching
Yang Yi
Class blog
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Annabel
Jing Yu
Jun Hao
Kit Yarn
Ming Jun
Xin Huei
Xuan Lin
Yen Shen
Yi Ting
York Sun
Yu Jun
Class blog
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edeline
Hui Shi
See Hwee
Si Qi
Yi Ting
Band blog

Image-Creator & Designer:

Brushes: 1| 2| 3
BaseCodes by !takeaway

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