Friday, May 1, 2009

i just saw tis photo in facebook. din noe val uploaded in 2 wks ago?? i hlp her tagged it! LOL. thank me val. hmm let's tok abt 2dae. owell is labour day. nth much to say. i got tuition!! shyt la. labour day like real. my bro mum n dad go play table tennis at sports complex wif cousins aunts n uncles. so shiok la. i miss it. T.T n especially when my bro is vry intrigued by th ping pang yuan. my mum bought another 2 table tennis rackets for him. Zzz so unfair she dun even let me buy a wallet? pian xin. i was debating wif er ge in sms. i tell him hw lucky he is to be a guy, while he said hw lucky i am to be a gal? lol. oyea last nite i spent so much time timing ALL th pupils in S2-11 on ALL th hw tht they owe huang lao shi. i so wei da. huang lao shi din told me do it. i did it on my own accord. coz tis class...haixx..wu yao ke jiu le. SOOO hav to do everything for dem. use tis chance to make th chinese blog yorksun created more popular hahax

durin miss fu b'day. we had a surprise. quite er..surprised? since we noe nth much on th planning n den onli get notice tru relay th previous day? we gav her a parcel u cn c tht in yu's blog i lazy post th pic even though mine's clearer =D we ate a ice-cream cake which is nice. xin vry vry wei da onli eat so little. gt extra still sacrifice giv other ppl when others eat at least 1? other den yu or maybe some other ppl. basically th guys confirm eat extra de la. first small piece, share wif yu. second small piece share wif val. so i ate a piece! LOL. at first xl go tell miss fu miss poon fainted in th classroom. haha th whole class go surrond miss poon while miss wang hold th cake within th crowd. miss fu was like damm worried when she came in th class, err din saw tht bt heard fr other louis acting is damm nice de. he shouted," MISS POON WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!" LOL. damm funny la whole class burst into laughter bt try to control it which is impossible. miss fu somehow guess it when she's goin into th crowd. she say to miss poon"you scare me leh.." th whole class sang th birthday song n cheer n clap vry loudly..especially th guys coz they wan th cake =.= when miss fu cutting cake...she cant cut it. coz th cake too hard le!! she try to push bt damm hard. still nid miss wang, strong woman, to cut it. bt nt successful, still nid go home econ room get a knife to cut it =.= b4 tht miss wang was like sayin "cannot cut ar? go get mr liu to cut it for u" LMAO!! miss fu reply "th kids like tht, u oso follow dem!" damm hao xiao la. managed to cut it finally. i use er ge's camera take alot of miss fu, wang n poon's eating cake photos!! i took 1 ugly pic of dem n miss wang was like sayin "u betta go delete it!" muahaha..i din...LOL

one day is stay bck do chem th STP. ps nv c val's sms she actually cn hlp us for 1h de. den yu like bring coke, xin bring peanut butter n toothbrush. mentor brought 3 CD drives n discs, all usin sch money!! LOL yu first to use her finger n touch th toothpaste n put it around th disc..wei da de yu. bt remaining all i do =.= so disgusting bt yu still kip saying "hen xiang leh.." puke* she took alot photos cn c in her blog. xin was noting down th process. th mentor was like so bo liao look at us do in th end he took out his laptop do dunno wad. i wanted to go facebook play pet society de lor yu go close it. i on msn de lor she go sign out. haixx. we choosing wad video to put into th disc. in th end chose CCS movie 2 part 1!! woohx~ go burn into th disc. hehe. use th CD drive oso. yu was like sorting out th prog? downloading n stuffs. i was like goin to Zzz in th process of downloading. xin more funny go on her kindergartens de wad lulluby songs!! gt ABC, bla bla black ship still gt wad ar..twinkle twinkle little star..YU WAS THR HAPPILY SINGING =.= zz nv grown up 6-yr old child!! hahax after everything miss wang ask us bring CD drive home. me yu xin gt 1 each. i dun wan bring bck coz vry mafan. den i kip complain miss wang go scold me "ok lor den i put th proj onli gt 2 ppl take part" =.= take home oso no use?? nxt time still nid bring bck haix. th most funny is we sort out h disc. nid download wad n stuffs. miss wang was like sayin to th mentor "let's c hw long they take to solve a simple prob" we took like 10min? lol.

finally finish we say bb. n den go bck to class. when outside th science lab we saw th BB fr th 2nd lvl. saw wenxi n robin especially th most obvious 2. 1 tall 1 short. den they marching wad suddenly "de bla kan pu seng" "turn check!" we r so stunned! walao they saw us. shyt la? den me n yu kip lookin at th BB boys. den miss wang was like "ai yo u all ar..." den i tell him "no lor! coz wenxi n robin vry funny..." den she say "reali ar??" den she go look down n c oso!! LOL. go bck class faster finish art. drag yu's time agn so sry xP. den she fetch us to mrt station i go home wif xin wif a tablet n a box[CD drive] in our hands..damm weird. ah la ma 2.11am!! nid go slp liao nite

she told the story ... 10:44 AM

That's me
Name: Seet Ming Hui
Favourite Colour: Lavender
Birthday: 24 July 1995
Horoscope: Leo
Zodiac: Piggy
Primary School: BPPS
Class History: 1G,2F,3J,4I,5J,6J
CCA: Netball
Secondary School: NHHS
Class History: 1/11, 2/11
CCA: Symphonic Band

My authentic japanese name is 山下 Yamashita (under the mountain) 三千代 Michiyo (three thousand generations).


My authentic japanese name is 猿渡 Saruwatari (monkey on a crossing bridge) 美晴 Miharu (beautiful clear sky).
Take your real japanese name generator! today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

Character Roadshow

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character of the week: Hayate
Personality: Cold-hearted, pervert, loyal, faithful

-*Cardcaptor Sakura*
-*Gakuen Alice*
-*Ginban Kaleidoscope*
-*Himitsu Between Me and Her*
-*Kamichama Karin*
-*Kin'iro No Corda*
-*Kiss x Sis*
-*Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha/ A's/ Strikers*
-*Memaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pichi/ Pure*
-*Pita Ten*
-*Princess Tutu*
-*Puchi Puri Yuushi*
-*Shakugan No Shana/ Shakugan no Shana II*
-*Shugo Chara/ Doki*
-*Special A*
-*Tokyo Mew Mew*
-*Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles*
-*Vampire Knight*
-*Zero No Tsukaima/ Futatsuki No Kishi/ Princess No Rondo*

~ i want a balloon.
-taller!!! argh...
-scoring As for all subs xP
-a leadership position in school
-remain top 3 in class
-top 5 in level
-swift fingers for piano
-more air for clarinet
-hav enuf stamina for drills =.=
-more frienz ^^
-more anime choices, adventure/fantasy/magic
-cn slp at nitex
-remove braces zZ
-30 pull ups for NAPFA
-200cm for standing broad jump
-new phone




MySpace Playlist at

Bao Rong
Chu Kien
Eu Wen
Jia Yun
Jie Hui
Jing Rou
Qi San
See Min
Tan Ji
Wan Ying
Wei Lin
Yan Ching
Yang Yi
Class blog
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Annabel
Jing Yu
Jun Hao
Kit Yarn
Ming Jun
Xin Huei
Xuan Lin
Yen Shen
Yi Ting
York Sun
Yu Jun
Class blog
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edeline
Hui Shi
See Hwee
Si Qi
Yi Ting
Band blog

Image-Creator & Designer:

Brushes: 1| 2| 3
BaseCodes by !takeaway

August 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
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October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
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February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
November 2009