Friday, June 12, 2009

finally i shall post abt a few wks ago stuff. last tym we had band prac. we were goin to play national anthem, sch song n honour glory combine! finally thr is one prac tht is combine..first time sec 1 experience tht =D hey i played 1st clar for SS, 2nd clar for NA n HG! finally i upgraded fr 3rd clar..shiokx damm hard play. is like so shuang coz i sat in th first row! since sec 4s nt here, tie feng n edeline absent, me shien n jieyee took th seats! first row i play den th sound damm clear. after breaktime, when senior hui qi n say hua nt here, i was like th onli gal hu play 1st clar for sch like soooo dammm FUN!! coz i having solo in band! jie yee went to take music exam so shien is th onli gal hu play 2nd! solo for her oso. sec 1 is like missing th whole thing? they dunno hw read scores so i kindly hlp dem write th letters of each note =) clarinet volume damm soft. i was trying to blast th music n blow damm hard! after tht me n shien go eat mac. i was tryin to squueze th food into my mouth coz i had to go mit up wif xin, ys, jw, kent, leighton after tht for th bio tech fair thingy to buy plants...

i took mrt to cck. xin n yen n jw reach thr long ago. i went out n tried to scare xin by crawling to her fr behind bt failed -.- th first sentence i said was "why you nv wear skirt??" coz xin was wearing jeans. sienzz~ ys n jw was like giving a =.= expression. we met up wif kent n leighton. den go walk fr 1 bus stop to another..den at th bus interchange they all saw a nanhua cpl. i go c n they r ppl whom i noe..nvm shall nt elaborate. we cross th roads look at bus stop signs. in th end kent gave up ask us take taxi. he say until he damm rich. den ys say "good idea" lol den as they abt to take taxi we saw th bus...we look at th board nid alot all take 2 taxis. leighton kent n jw took 1, me xin n ys took another 1. th distance to th nursery is like SOOO damm short? n guess wad..jw tht taxi cost 20 cents less den us!! wad unfair world is tis?? LOL just coz our taxi driver tok n chat wif us, esp ys, alot crap like wad nice food around tht nursery etc. while jw tht taxi driver din speak anything throughout..haixx suan le

reach thr, th air too fresh liaox. coz alot plants den alot oxygen. n th weather is like damm hot? SUPER HOT! we look at th plants here n thr. cant seem to find 1. price nt a prob since is sch sponsor. den th gardener or isit an indian uncle go show us around. den say wad tht particular plant vry fast grow. leighton was like damm funny! when we're tinking of whether to measure every single leaf of th plant, he say sth abt gravity. like at th side thr, th leaf like slanted coz of gravity bla bla bla...den im speechless -.- den wad th amt of sunlight received diff etc. we all down thr laughing. th indian guy so styko go cut th plant in front of us. say sth like just cut like tht den after 3 days cn grow until a certain length. den he mention sth abt 1 yr den 3 yrs den 10 yrs?? i was like huh? coz i tink frankly speaking i cant understand wat's his sayin -.- racist i guess..LOL finally we decided to hav th same plants as ys's grp. chose spider lily isit? i dunno lolx. th indian gardener so nice. say wad student price den cut down for us by alot. den when we pay money, is like kent gave $50 bt he din return th correct change. some of us tink he discounted it even i tink is he giv wrong amt. den we down thr argueing, kent was like saying we shld split th $6 tt th gardener is suppose to take. den he say "just nice, thr r 6 of us, each of us take $1 how's tht?" i was like er...leighton was th first person to agree to take tht money...den ys mention sth abt integrity. yea..n den fr thr all th way to bus stop, we r argueing abt integrity. kent was like saying "you cant live in this world wif integrity" bla bla bla den sth like ys will nt survive in tis reality world. haha had fun debating. abt tht money we will just tell th sch th even further discounted price.

we took th bus bck since we realise th distance is short -.- at first me n xin wanted to put th plants at yu's house. bt when tot of walkin th long distance fr mrt to her house...den suan le -.- we gt 5 pots of plants to carry. ys they all putting th plants in sch. i wouldn't wan to go bck to sch when i just came fr sch!! i asked ys in a vry vry nice tone if he n jw willin to hlp us carry th plants to sch. yenshen shuai kuai agreed to it! woohx~ kent n leighton was like pai pai pi gu go home..kent gt raise up to sponsor ys n jw money to take taxi. bt in th end they chose to take mrt. me n xin felt guilty to ask ys n jw carry plants for us. so we both treat dem to oreo mac flurry! th 4 of us down thr chatting n eating ice cream. i knew tt yenshen dun like choco or swt things bt i purposely made him eat it muahaha! after eating we took mrt, i accompanied xin to yishun..haha wei da ritex? they guys went bck to clementi n after tht i tink they saw val n went home wif her coz she gt dance.

at yishun, me n xin go north point shop! we went browsing at stalls for ear sticks. i bought 3 packets giv val 1 packet for 30 cents LOL. den me n xin go arcade play! hahax after tht we go minitoons. we wan buy presents for yu bt cant find anything nice. we bought sweets for ourselves n den smuggle it into th library. mostly is marshmallows n gummie. den xin nid go for her piano lesson liao. i walk wif her go c her tuition centre. vry near to north point n btw it is oso along th way to my parents' shop. bt soon my mum called. she n my bro came north point find me. my bro bought ice cream oso. we went out to eat den go home as late as usual. bathe damm late agn -.- wth wad a long post shall end here bb

she told the story ... 8:58 AM

That's me
Name: Seet Ming Hui
Favourite Colour: Lavender
Birthday: 24 July 1995
Horoscope: Leo
Zodiac: Piggy
Primary School: BPPS
Class History: 1G,2F,3J,4I,5J,6J
CCA: Netball
Secondary School: NHHS
Class History: 1/11, 2/11
CCA: Symphonic Band

My authentic japanese name is 山下 Yamashita (under the mountain) 三千代 Michiyo (three thousand generations).


My authentic japanese name is 猿渡 Saruwatari (monkey on a crossing bridge) 美晴 Miharu (beautiful clear sky).
Take your real japanese name generator! today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

Character Roadshow

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character of the week: Hayate
Personality: Cold-hearted, pervert, loyal, faithful

-*Cardcaptor Sakura*
-*Gakuen Alice*
-*Ginban Kaleidoscope*
-*Himitsu Between Me and Her*
-*Kamichama Karin*
-*Kin'iro No Corda*
-*Kiss x Sis*
-*Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha/ A's/ Strikers*
-*Memaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pichi/ Pure*
-*Pita Ten*
-*Princess Tutu*
-*Puchi Puri Yuushi*
-*Shakugan No Shana/ Shakugan no Shana II*
-*Shugo Chara/ Doki*
-*Special A*
-*Tokyo Mew Mew*
-*Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles*
-*Vampire Knight*
-*Zero No Tsukaima/ Futatsuki No Kishi/ Princess No Rondo*

~ i want a balloon.
-taller!!! argh...
-scoring As for all subs xP
-a leadership position in school
-remain top 3 in class
-top 5 in level
-swift fingers for piano
-more air for clarinet
-hav enuf stamina for drills =.=
-more frienz ^^
-more anime choices, adventure/fantasy/magic
-cn slp at nitex
-remove braces zZ
-30 pull ups for NAPFA
-200cm for standing broad jump
-new phone




MySpace Playlist at

Bao Rong
Chu Kien
Eu Wen
Jia Yun
Jie Hui
Jing Rou
Qi San
See Min
Tan Ji
Wan Ying
Wei Lin
Yan Ching
Yang Yi
Class blog
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Annabel
Jing Yu
Jun Hao
Kit Yarn
Ming Jun
Xin Huei
Xuan Lin
Yen Shen
Yi Ting
York Sun
Yu Jun
Class blog
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edeline
Hui Shi
See Hwee
Si Qi
Yi Ting
Band blog

Image-Creator & Designer:

Brushes: 1| 2| 3
BaseCodes by !takeaway

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