Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Write the names of 21 friends you can think off the top of your head, and then answer the questions. Say you’re guessing if you don’t know, but at least guess on all of them. After doing this, tag your 21 friends to do the same.
*The rank doesnt mean anything, just follows girl den boy, it would be fun!*

1. Valerie
2. Wey Yeh
3. Yu Jun
4. Ming Jun
5. Xin Huei
6. Jun Wei
7. Kit Yarn
8. Yen Shen
9. Yi Ting
10. Jun Hao
11. Jazlyn
12. Yi Geng
13. Wing Kwan
14. Louis
15. Glenda
16. Johan
17. Annabel
18. Wen Xi
19. York Sun
20. Leighton
21. Jesslyn

So here goes...

1.How did you meet 7? (Kit Yarn)

In NHHS when she's my classmate xD

2.What would you do if 20 and 1 dated? (Valerie and Leighton)

hoho actually they quite match O.O congratz dem lo =D

3.Have you ever seen 6 cry? (Jun Wei)'s such a gentleman! nan ren liu xue bu liu lei..

4. Would 4 and 16 make a good couple? (Ming Jun and Johan)

Oh YES they dooo..when am i goin to get th weddin invitation?

5.Do you want to be 13's friend forever? (Wing Kwan)

Hmm wouldn't mind =)

6.Do you think 11 is attractive? (Jazlyn)

Yep! agreed xD

7.What’s 5’s favorite color? (Xin Huei) particular food choice for a lovely xin xP

8.When was the last time you talked to 9? (Yi Ting)

This morning in sch?? LOL

9.What language does 8 speak? (Yen Shen)

Any language that people can understand..hahax

10.Who is 19 going out with? (York Sun)

ps i dunno @.@

11.What grade is 16 in? (Johan)

Piano finished grade 7...wad grade r u refering to? Sec 2?

12.Would you ever date 1? (Valerie)

We are already MARRIED!! my da lao po she wants a divorce T.T NOOOO

13. Where does 18 live? (Wen Xi)

Chua Chu Kang, Singapore, Asia, Earth, World, Universe =D

14. What is the best thing about 4? (Ming Jun)

Super kind and helpful~ xP

15. What would you like to tell 10 right now? (Jun Hao)

Yes i noe wonder gals r damm chio n cute u dun hav to kip telling me -.-

16. What is the best thing about 20? (Leighton)

the best thing is that he doesn't have a worst thing =D LOLx jk..err vry gd in debating!

17. Have you ever kissed 2? (Wey Yeh)

nooo??? r u crazy?

18. What’s the best memory you have of 5? (Xin Huei)

she always conforms me when i encounter problems! THANKX ALOT~ T.T

19. When’s the next time you’re going to see 19? (York Sun)

tmr in sch -.-

20. How is 7 different from 6? (Kit Yarn and Jun Wei)

Yarn is chio, jun wei is quite ok

21. Is 2 pretty? (Wey Yeh)

o.O maybe depends on wad type of perspective ur looking at him, a gal or a guy xP

22. What was your first impression of 15? (Glenda)

mind full of shuaii hunks~

23. How did you meet 3? (Yu Jun)

in a luxury hotel...on tht particular bed..whr we had..erhem* jk NHHS~ =D

24. Is 14 your best friend? (Louis)

he's a vry good good frien xD

25. Do you hate 12? (Yi Geng)

oh yes!! y muz his maths be sooo pro?? T.T

26. Have you seen 18 in the last month? (Wen Xi)

saw him in sch everyday lol

27. When was the last time you saw 16? (Johan)

today in th MRT when he was strippin off his uniform in public by unbuttoning his shirt n peekin at his own body...

28. Have you been to 5’s house? (Xin Huei)

oh yes im th person in J impossible hu has been to her house for th most no. of times! woohx~

29. When’s the next time you’ll see 10? (Jun Hao)

in my nxt life..JK!! hahax tmr in sch.

30. Are you close to 11? (Jazlyn)

hmm maybe? our common test sitting arrangment she's just beside me =D

31: Have you been to the movies with 4? (Ming Jun) y ask?

32: Have you gotten in trouble with 8? (Yen Shen)

of coz nt? he so guai! xP

33: Would you give 1 a hug? (Valerie)

oh yes! a kiss or a touch or any further den sure she dun mind O.O

34. When have you lied to 7? (Kit Yarn)

no? haha y shld i?

35: Is 11 good at socializing? (Jazlyn)

yep tink sooo =)

36: Do you know a secret about 8? (Yen Shen)

yupp i is highly secret information o.O

37: Describe the relationship between 12 and 18. (Yi Geng and Wen Xi)

they r vry good friends n buddies? duh..

38: What’s the best thing about your friendship with 9? (Yi Ting)

Long Long time ago...haha it goes a long way bck! soo many maybe we r combos in sports competition? lol

39: What’s the worst thing about 1? (Valerie)

she actually wanted to divorce wif me T.T SOBX!! SADDEN!!

40: Have you ever had a crush on 12? (Yi Geng)

omg? i wouldn't dare...

41: How long have you known 2? (Wey Yeh)

6 months..half a year..lolx

42: Have you ever been in a fight with 13? (Wing Kwan)

nop we r nice ppl =D

43: Does 11 have a bf/gf? (Jazlyn)

O.O i dunno lolx n i dun wan to kpo too much -.-

44: Have you ever wanted to punch 1 in the face? (Valerie)

oh yes..coz thr is 0.000001 % of chance that i will hit her since she would hav grap my arm n swing me to th ground -.-

45: Has 14 met your mother? (Louis)

hey i dunno lehx. coz i nt sure if class chalets gt c her anot. lol most probably not

46. How did you meet 17? (Annabel)

in NHHS class S2-11

47: Did you ever accidentally physically hurt 21? (Jesslyn)

i nt sure..i hope i din hit her or anything during PE..

48. Do you live close to 16? (Johan)

he live in woodlands leh..siao la

49: What is 8’s favorite food? (Yen Shen)

ho i nt sure psps >.<

50. What kind of car does 1 have? (Valerie)

Toy car..HAHAX nonoo is mercedes that I BOUGHT for her...sports car oso xP i too rich liao

51. If you gave 2 $100, what would he/she spend it on? (Wey Yeh)

PSP games, Xbox, naruto and bleach stuffs..i tink? if is pet society..maybe trees n clothes haha. if restaurant city..will be wallpapers i

she told the story ... 7:17 AM

That's me
Name: Seet Ming Hui
Favourite Colour: Lavender
Birthday: 24 July 1995
Horoscope: Leo
Zodiac: Piggy
Primary School: BPPS
Class History: 1G,2F,3J,4I,5J,6J
CCA: Netball
Secondary School: NHHS
Class History: 1/11, 2/11
CCA: Symphonic Band

My authentic japanese name is 山下 Yamashita (under the mountain) 三千代 Michiyo (three thousand generations).


My authentic japanese name is 猿渡 Saruwatari (monkey on a crossing bridge) 美晴 Miharu (beautiful clear sky).
Take your real japanese name generator! today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

Character Roadshow

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character of the week: Hayate
Personality: Cold-hearted, pervert, loyal, faithful

-*Cardcaptor Sakura*
-*Gakuen Alice*
-*Ginban Kaleidoscope*
-*Himitsu Between Me and Her*
-*Kamichama Karin*
-*Kin'iro No Corda*
-*Kiss x Sis*
-*Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha/ A's/ Strikers*
-*Memaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pichi/ Pure*
-*Pita Ten*
-*Princess Tutu*
-*Puchi Puri Yuushi*
-*Shakugan No Shana/ Shakugan no Shana II*
-*Shugo Chara/ Doki*
-*Special A*
-*Tokyo Mew Mew*
-*Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles*
-*Vampire Knight*
-*Zero No Tsukaima/ Futatsuki No Kishi/ Princess No Rondo*

~ i want a balloon.
-taller!!! argh...
-scoring As for all subs xP
-a leadership position in school
-remain top 3 in class
-top 5 in level
-swift fingers for piano
-more air for clarinet
-hav enuf stamina for drills =.=
-more frienz ^^
-more anime choices, adventure/fantasy/magic
-cn slp at nitex
-remove braces zZ
-30 pull ups for NAPFA
-200cm for standing broad jump
-new phone




MySpace Playlist at

Bao Rong
Chu Kien
Eu Wen
Jia Yun
Jie Hui
Jing Rou
Qi San
See Min
Tan Ji
Wan Ying
Wei Lin
Yan Ching
Yang Yi
Class blog
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Annabel
Jing Yu
Jun Hao
Kit Yarn
Ming Jun
Xin Huei
Xuan Lin
Yen Shen
Yi Ting
York Sun
Yu Jun
Class blog
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edeline
Hui Shi
See Hwee
Si Qi
Yi Ting
Band blog

Image-Creator & Designer:

Brushes: 1| 2| 3
BaseCodes by !takeaway

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